Epic Design System

Epic Design System

Rancard is a technology company that links top global brands with targeted mobile audiences, ensuring a cost-effective approach to acquiring subscribers.

Rancard is a technology company that links top global brands with targeted mobile audiences, ensuring a cost-effective approach to acquiring subscribers.

The project aimed to establish a pattern library and guidelines to enhance the design and development workflow for all digital products at Rancard.

The project aimed to establish a pattern library and guidelines to enhance the design and development workflow for all digital products at Rancard.

Implementing the pattern library led to a 30% reduction in design and development time per sprint. Additionally, it successfully addressed issues related to user onboarding, resulting in a notable 10% increase in signups.

Implementing the pattern library led to a 30% reduction in design and development time per sprint. Additionally, it successfully addressed issues related to user onboarding, resulting in a notable 10% increase in signups.

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© 2023 Michael Ayivi - All rights reserved.

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© 2023 Michael Ayivi - All rights reserved.

Built with Framer